Zebra Suite This piece is consigned to us for resale. It is reportedly in beautiful condition; however, I only trust consignees so much. Therefore, once ordered, we have the piece shipped to us for my personal verification of condition prior to sending the piece off to you. The ONLY way to thoroughly verify the integrity of the artwork is to have the artwork unframed. You can view examples of WHY we have artwork unframed at www.herndonfineart.com/damaged.htm. I WILL NOT ship a piece that isn't in a condition I would accept into my own collection. Shipping, handling, and insurance are $65 to the continental US. Arizona Sales tax of 8.3% We accept Wired Funds, Master Card, Visa, Discover, American Express, PayPal, Zelle, and Venmo. I DO NOT run credit cards until I receive and review the artwork in excellent condition. As mentioned above, I WILL NOT ship artwork that isn't in a condition I would accept for my own collection. Give me a ring at (800) 489-7930 or email me your billing/shipping and credit card information to get this piece in for my review and then on to you once I've verified it is authentic and indeed in beautiful condition. This is our 36th year in business, and we thank you for the opportunity to help.
Click on the Link below and Join us as a Friend Every client has different motivations for selling and as such we don't offer pricing on the pieces clients sellIf you are looking for the value of your limited edition artwork -- we have a $50 charge for certificates of value if you provide the title, the number of your piece, and an image of your artwork. Original one-of-a-kind pieces require a formal appraisal. Please see our Appraisal Services page.If you are interested in Selling your artwork please click here for more informationToll Free: (800) 489-7930